Superior SumoFoam


Superior SumoFoam

Was: ${[{ current.compare_at_price | money }]}   Sale: ${[{ current.price | money }]}

Dimensions: {[{ current.custom_fields.width }]}" x {[{ current.custom_fields.height }]}" x {[{ current.custom_fields.depth }]}"
(Note: Exact dimensions will vary based on how you shape it)

Warranty: 3 year, full replacement


Is your bag losing it's luster?  Did you purchase a non-Sumo chair that just isn't doing it for you? Not to worry! You can use our Superior Sumo Foam to bring that chair to its former glory! Our Sumo Foam consists of shredded polyurethane foam!

Now any chair can feel like a Sumo Chair!

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{[{ current.custom_fields.weight }]} Pounds


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Other Details

{[{ current.custom_fields.other_details }]}

Size Comparison Chart
Machine Washable Cover

Machine Washable Cover

Keep your Sumo Bean Bag Chair looking as cozy and inviting as the first day you got it with our stain resistant, durable, 100% machine washable covers.

Quick Change Your Style

Quick Change Your Style

In minutes you can remove your Sumo Bean Bag Chair Cover and slide on a new one to create a fresh new look. Many colours available!